Saturday, April 28, 2007


Rickey said...
Your basic piece of crapThe so called atheist jew [a son of an Arab] wouldn't make a pimple on O'Reilly's arse.Submitted: 1 seconds ago Submitter: atheistjewfag (news: submissions, diggs, comments) Topic: News » World & Business » Offbeat News Source:
April 26, 2007 10:30 AM
BEAJ said...
Congrats Rickey, that was your last comment I will publish of yours. You are the only one banned, I will not allow you to ruin my blogs.Now whine and cry all you want. I warned you fairly. But I knew you are too psychotic to help yourself.You are a nutcase. Get help.
April 26, 2007 10:54 AM

Oh yes, everyone just loves pusgut's blogs of plagarised tripe. He has been exposed for the weasel, hypocrite and fraud he really is by many including Mark Glenn and others. His following of jew lap doggies lap up every word. Nutcase? Just read his message board and other insane rants on the atheist jew slug, etc.

1 comment:

Fulano said...

Gee Rickey, maybe if Pusgut knew who you are he would let you post again. Have you ever heard of Rickey Wasserman of Gualala, CA?

bwaaahahahahaha, what a punk.