Saturday, April 21, 2007

Response to “Atheist Jew” by Pittershawn Palmer

Response to “Atheist Jew” by Pittershawn Palmer
Posted April 21, 2007
Below is my response to an “Atheist Jew” (his/her identifier) who didn’t like the fact that I posted Mark’s letter from that 14 year old Jewish boy.
See his comment:
Feel free to send this far and wide.
My dear Atheist Khazarian, it seems you have mistaken me for the angry and hateful people you associate with. The difference between you and I is that I am able to see the truth, even through those who are angry. Whereas you, all you see is what you want to see. And you see it clouded by bias and anger.
So let me see if I’ve got this right. Bare with me, because I may not get it right. As you would believe, I’m too biased to see the truth, right? But you, my dear, you are objective! Right?
Ok, based on YOUR words, it is IMPOSSIBLE for that note to be from a Jewish boy, but highly probable, if not most likely, that Mark’s daughter is hateful? Is that right? I don’t know here, maybe it’s my logic.
Let me try that again for my own edification. The only possible scenario, in your estimation, because nothing else is at all possible, is that that letter was not from a Jewish kid, but Mark’s daughter is hateful.
Ok folks, is it me? Am I the only one who sees the glaring problem with this train of thought?
Khazarian, I would have had far more respect for your angry ramblings if you had given me a few other possible scenarios, such as:
1. That letter was from a Jewish kid, it was evil and self righteous, But Mark’s daughter has been equally venomous in her commentary, so that poor boy shouldn’t be the only one put on the block.
2. That letter probably was from a Jewish boy, but because of bias, you can’t admit to it, even though Mark’s daughter has done nothing or said nothing that was equally offensive (such as threaten or wish death upon all non-Jews).
3. That letter was probably from a Jewish boy, and Mark’s daughter is probably only angry as a response to the bad behavior she’s been observing in the Jewish community—specifically Zionist community.
4.That letter was not from a Jewish boy, and Mark’s daughter is also being framed by someone hateful, in an effort to make her look bad because of Mark’s commentaries. Hence, both of them are being wrongly accused because of a group’s agenda.
Now, if you had honestly had the above kind of discourse, with us hashing out all the OTHER logical possibilities, including admitting to your bias (and the fact that you really don’t want to believe that a Jewish boy could have written that), then I would have had more respect for what you had to write. Bet if that note was all sweet and flowery, you would have had no problem believing it was a Jewish boy, right?
But as it stands, it seems you are typical of most angry Khazarians, determined to spin life and situations only to your advantage, in an effort to make everyone else in the world look hateful except you and the rest of your converts; who, by the way, are only angry because you can’t cover up that fact any longer. What fact is that? That you are NOT the chosen people by birth, but a group who have taken on the religion in an effort to find what you did not have in your Khazarian Empire.
As for who is a coward, it seems people like you are the only cowards. Rather than openly doing your dirt, you will no doubt, like the coward you really are, send your cronies to pick me off in a most unusual manner.
Tell me how you will get rid of me, Khazarian. A convenient car accident? A random robbery on the street, or a break in into my home by an armed gunman? Tell me Khazarian. You will find some doctor within my circle to give me something that will induce a heart attack, or some terminal illness. Oh wait, you will find a way to get people to believe I am someone who spits hate, and set up a showdown between me and your cronies. Or how about this one, you will plan for the next year to set it up so it looks like I committed suicide. Who will write my suicide note, you? Tell me my dear Atheist Khazarian, what cowardly method will you use to get rid of me and those like me who know the real deal about people like you.
There is only one saving grace…that all Jews are not like you. I THANK the universe that there are some good and decent Jews whom I’ve met, Orthodox and others, who have denounced people like you as Zionists with an agenda.
It is these same exemplary and spiritually centered Jewish men and women who have made every effort not to desecrate the religion—and communicate kindly and peacefully. And it is them who are in the real struggle to bring all the hateful Jewish people in the world to the carpet. They are the only ones I will stand behind and struggle with. I share their voice of disappointment in those who have no respect for religion or human life and dignity.
I’m sure after this message, at some point before I reach 80 years old, you and your other angry Khazarian converts will find a way to neatly shut me up—that is what you do with all non-Jews, no? Because YOU, my dear, are the cowards. You don’t want anyone to know that people like me are on to you. And now that I’ve put this out there, I’m sure if you don’t pick me off like an antelope, you will no doubt find other ways to destroy me—maybe financially, socially, pin me with a crime even (petty or major, doesn’t matter), nothing would surprise me at this point. And why? Because that is all you can do. You are spiritually powerless and spiritually dead, so you use the evil machinations of the world to ruin people by telling lies and being deceitful—and sometimes, using our human and insignificant imperfections against us by creating a mountain out of what usually would be dealt with without fanfare. You and those like you are dishonest.
I have no need to check to see if Mark’s daughter is taught hate, because if she in fact is, then you and that nice Jewish boy and her are all in for the same spiritual fate. Karma ignores no one.
I don’t have to agree with the method of delivery of every message, not even Mark’s, to see the value in it. And I respect Mark’s candor by the way. You should make attempts to be even remotely open in that regard—look beyond your evident bias. Bottom line, why didn’t you include in your message one of her notes of hate? You should have, because then your comment would have been better received. But you talk without producing anything. Produce it, and then we can have a constructive debate around the wrongs of children who hate. Then you and I can make an effort to share ideas on where the chasm is in this world between people of different faiths and belief systems. But you do not want that discussion. You want to leave empty notes that do nothing more than show your bias…. ‘a Jewish boy didn’t write that.’ Is that all? And you expect me to take you seriously when you are not grounded in logic? Just admit that you believe that because it was a Jewish boy attached to that message of hate, not because it is impossible. For all you know, one of your undercover family members wrote it and there would be no way for you to every know it.
Maybe you wrote it and are too cowardly to admit that you believe everything written in that note.
Go on, cry anti-Semitism. It is your first recourse. But alas, I know this spin as well. What was the name of that gentleman who came up with that in the late 1800s? No matter. Bottom line, to be semitic begins with language, my dear. There are several sub-groups of languages that fall under the afro-Asiatic language group. One of those is the semitic LANGUANGE.
Under the semitic languages are also several sub-groups of languages. One, out of about five or six groups (I might be off by one) happens to be Hebrew, of which there are about 5 million NATIVE speakers. The other semitic language, which comprises nearly 400 million speakers is, you ready for this baby…ARABIC. What does that mean, you say? It means someone has been telling lies. Because it seems the largest group of semitic speakers would be Arabs. Ah, but no one must know, right? You say, what does it matter?
Big deal? My dear, it is a big deal, because that would mean the Jewish community is using a false notion to keep people from questioning any action they take in any circumstances. And why you say? Because people who have no behavior want desperately to cover their tracks. So when someone makes a statement about a HUMAN’s negative actions, THEY, certain hypocritical Jews, will have a crutch to say, it HAPPENS to be because they are Jewish, when in reality, it HAPPENS to be because that INDIVIDUAL is a bad person with no moral or spiritual standards.
All said, I have no use for people who are evil. I strive to learn all I can and grow from that. My first stopping point…HISTORY. My second stopping point, spirit.
2007 by
1 Comment so far
Steve in Vista on April 21st, 2007
It was Dr. Alan Guttmacher (a Jew) who did more than anyone to promote the murder of the unborn. However Jews are not to abort their babies. That is for Gentiles only. The hate that is inculcated in this act as well as many others is forcefully indicative of the utter vile shear terrorizing of non-Jews by the “Chosen” people. How far will it go? See below for Eric Holmberg’s link, and then see my comment below that. The Jews consider everyone else “Goy”. They know what they mean by that, all other people are, in their opinion less than even animals. I recognize diabolic insanity when I see it.
Massacre of InnocenceBy Eric Holmberg
What Eric Holmberg writes about in 17th Century France is the beginning of the Black Mass and has continued until this day under their sponsors the Judeo-Masons who are the manipulators behind the Satanic Lurianic Qabbalist Zionist Antichrist attack on the Church and all of mankind as well. The worst occurrence of the Black Mass was in the Vatican II pseudo-council at its beginning around the time of Antipope John XXIII’s death.

1 comment:

Baconeater said...

I left this response, and he refused to post it:

beaj as The Atheist Jew:
Knowing for a fact that Mark Glenn cherry picks what he posts, and knowing for a fact that he also edits messages as well (he did with me, and I have the originals on cocomment to prove it), I find it highly likely that the 14 year old boy was not a Jew.
It is possible sure.

But what is for sure is that Mark's daughter is full of hate. There is no ifs there.
The fact you say there are, means you are wilfully ignorant or just plain idiotic.

Also, how do you know my ancestry is directly from Europe (Khazarian). You seem 100% sure of it though.

I'm assuming you are a retard, so really your opinion of me doesn't matter much in the real world. You are just part of the raving lunatic fringe.

Mark does not allow for an open forum or debate. How can you respect someone who goes to the lengths of editing messages. That is about as low as you can go on a scale of dishonesty on the internet.

Lets see if you have the balls to post this message.
An aside, if you stay on topic, I will allow your posts to go through. And I mean, don't throw unwarranted jabs at others. If you really have something insightful or even genuinely argumentative to say, I will post it.

I only have moderation on because you spam,and say inane stuff. If you didn't exist, I wouldn't have moderation at all.